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One swallow…

One swallow…

...does not a summer make but maybe this is a hint that we may still need our letter boxes! After sharing the disappointing report the other day that Australia Post was forecasting a very limited future for snail mail, it was heartening to find that Woolworths had...

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Bad news on snail mail

Bad news on snail mail

Regular readers will know how much I love snail mail and what I can do for well marketed businesses so I was disappointed to read the following in a recent edition of The Age: “Emma Koehn reports that Australia Post expects households will be receiving less than one...

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Most trusted brands

Most trusted brands

The regular weekly Research Updates from Roy Morgan Research always contain interesting reading, this week on the most trusted brands. “Retail heavyweights have continued to lead the way in the latest Roy Morgan ‘Net Trust’ rankings. The top five most trusted brands...

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Another commercial

Another commercial

Here’s a cinema advert that really proves its point… it literally stops people in their tracks, which is the whole point of the advert. A great contribution to bringing road safety to people’s attention. And it’s by Volkswagen, which gives it extra credibility....

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How to target success!

How to target success!

As we are only a few weeks into the New Year and with the kids safely back at school and business heating up it seems an appropriate time to remind you of this appropriate homily I wrote a few years back. Almost everyone wants to achieve success but many people just...

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Sell easy, sell more

Sell easy, sell more

I'm amazed how many people I see trying to sell their prospects by sitting in front of their computer and doing it digitally using the whole gamut of social media and email options now available to them. That's often going to result in lots of lost time and effort...

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Changing shopping

Changing shopping

Here’s a couple of great thoughts on how some savvy retailers are adapting their businesses to suit changing lifestyles. (Thanks to Felicity, my smart assistant, for mentioning this to me.) Grocers and C-Store owners are responding to new trends according to the...

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From the Vault: You gotta love McDonalds!

From the Vault: You gotta love McDonalds!

Recently I posted about how standards seem to have slipped at good old Maccas. Perhaps the reason I felt even more let down on that occasion was because I know how slick the McDonald's empire has been in the past. Here's a story from over 10 years ago, showing their...

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It pees me off!

It pees me off!

Why do they make exciting promises that are never what they seem? I got a wonderful email from a supplier of pet food and medicines for my dogs and cat. It made me feel good when the subject line read: LAST CHANCE to use your $30 gift! And I read on and got even more...

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Another commercial

Another commercial

Well, of course it wouldn’t be Australia Day (dunno how many more we’ll get if the rot continues) without an Australia Day lamb advert, so here’s the current effort.   And here’s a TVC starring a cute little girl...

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Getting Good

Getting Good

I’ve often said to people who are aiming to do something well, “Find someone who can do it and copy them, aiming to achieve their level and maybe get even better than them in so doing”. I used that approach when I wanted to run a sub-three hour marathon. I found a...

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