Winston Marsh, Conference Speaker, Business Consultant, Motivational Speaker…
Winston’s the Speaker whose business IS business!
If you want a memorable meeting, conference or convention then Winston Marsh just has to be on your program. Tens of thousands of people around the Pacific Basin have already heard this internationally acclaimed speaker and sing his praises.
And the reason they love him is because of his easy-to-listen-to-style, powerful take away message and laughter laden delivery… not to forget his Aussie accent and ancestry that adds the authenticity often missing in imported speakers.
Winston’s ability to deliver a message just right for your audience comes from the experience gained over a stunningly successful business career, the incredibly detailed brief he takes from you and the meticulous research he does on your industry, your business and your competitors. It all adds up to an incredibly powerful, richly rewarding and hugely entertaining presentation.
Your delegates will just love it! They’ll applaud your choice of speaker and, what’s more, they will have the confidence, enthusiasm and commitment to put those ideas into action.
Winston Marsh is the inaugural recipient of the Golden Mike Award and has been honored with the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, the highest bestowed by the National Speakers Association of Australia in recognition of his professionalism and ranking as a conference and business speaker.
To book Winston for your next conference or sales meeting, send us an email or telephone +61 3 9561 8088.
Here’s a selection of typical topics that Winston has recently presented for clients:
* Converting more Prospects into Sales
* How to be BIG on Customer Service
* Turning Managers into Leaders
* How to beat the Price bandits
* 7 strategies for Sensational Staff
* The Secrets to Building Lifetime Relationships
* Salespower! More Sales! More Margin! More Profits!
* How to have an Endless Supply of Prospects
* How to get your Dealers, Retailers and Resellers to sell more
We all know the success of a conference is to keep the delegates warm, well fed and provide information with an interesting and entertaining program. The first two are easy to organise by choosing a great venue but often the third can fall flat because speakers don’t deliver what they promise. Boring deliveries or lack of content can be an organiser’s nightmare.
The thousands of people who have heard Winston would say that his enthusiasm is invigorating. From the moment he bounds onto the stage and inspires the audience to believe they are “f-a-n-t-a-s-t-i-c!”, people get excited. Winston is widely recognised as one of Australia’s Leading Conference Speakers.
Winston presents seminar sessions and training programs on a wide range of topics. Contact us for a free consultation to discuss your seminar and topics.
Pick Winno’s Brain
If you’ve got a knotty problem or you’d like Winston to focus on an aspect of your business, conference, or professional development, then you or your team can get great value from a one-on-one consultation with Winston.
5 minutes – FREE!!