Winno has been a revelation for each of the 3 businesses I have been involved in. His unique and generous approach has directly stimulated tangible sales and has put the wow factor into each new venture. Thanks Winno.
James Garrett Dentist January 31, 2018
The way that you held the attention of each and every one of the 100 or so members attending for a 2 hour period was exceptional – it just goes to show that the content of your contribution to our conference was right to the point and where members could see that they can improve their businesses through further training.
To this end it was incredible that you got every member in person signing a commitment for further training – something that has never been done at any previous Forty Winks conference with 100% degree of success.
Forty Winks Franchising Pty Ltd General Manager February 9, 2016
"It was a great experience (and a lot of fun!) working with you during the Roadshow. Finding speakers or presenters of your caliber for future retailer gatherings will be a difficult task.”
BP Managing Director New Zealand February 9, 2016
Fantastic, absolutely unbelievable. The words sound familiar but they do have real meaning for the St. George Sales Team. Having been highly motivated and so impressed with your teachings, I based our entire selling function around your ideas and the success has been Fantastic and Unbelievable.
St George Bank State Sales Manager February 9, 2016
Since our conference, I have spoken with most of our delegates and collected written reviews from many. The results are clear-cut. Our dealers rated you as “The best speaker I have heard!
You are, as advertised, a brilliant speaker and superb motivator.
Hunter Douglas National Sales Manager February 9, 2016
I felt I needed to take the time to tell you how “FANTASTIC” I thought your presentation to The Professionals was last Tuesday at the Real Estate Institute of Queensland.
Amongst a gathering of some of Australia’s finest Real Estate minds you gave a whole new inspiration of some magnificent marketing ideas to our group.
The Professionals Managing Director Manly February 9, 2016
Your presentation was inspirational. Your research added valuable relevance creating strong credibility with a group “seasoned” veterans.
Canon Australia Pty Ltd National Dealer Manager February 9, 2016
As you are aware, the day was a total success in every way. We had immediate feedback from business people who attended the luncheon session, some of whom phoned in to reserve additional places for their colleagues in the evening.
The feedback from the Masterton business community has been Fantastic. People are still talking about Winston and his message.
Chartered Accountant February 9, 2016
A fantastic performance! But more than that, you had a great message and you very artfully combined the membership message with it.
Rotary Club of Melbourne Inc. Membership Director February 9, 2016
After hearing Winston speak, and having the pleasure of some one on one time with him, I was inspired to pluck up the courage to pursue my dream career! Winston was kind enough to give me a copy of his book “How to Motivate, Manage and Market yourself” and market myself I did. I chased a job in the industry I wanted to work in, and I was offered a position at the first company I interviewed with!
Winston’s advice, wealth of marketing knowledge and sincere kindness was absolutely the reason for my success!
NSW February 9, 2016
Normally, at school or anywhere else, when you get told you are going to have a motivational speaker you say Ok, and go along, yet they are never motivational. They talk about something that happened in their life, yet they do not interact with the audience. They talk, and the audience gets bored.
Yet your speech was different, rather than talking about something that happened to you, you talk about something that would help us. You also interacted with the audience, you got us to answer questions and shout stuff out. This way we were constantly more interested in your speech, rather sitting there bored out of our brains, wondering when you were going to leave.
You also talked about personal goals. It was all true, if we set our minds to it, we can do almost anything. With a lot of thought i came up with a few personal goals that i want to achieve in the short term, as well as some that i want to achieve in the long term.
14 years old February 9, 2016
I am convinced that your consultancy has left a positive motivational imprint on our organisation which will continue to be fruitful for years to come…
BHP Limited Executive Manager February 9, 2016