Winno’s Blog


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The best word ever!

The best word ever!

I was standing in line in a coffee shop waiting my turn to order my skinny flat white (trying to lose weight!) when two young, brawny, tattooed guys got in line behind me. I turned to them, stepped aside and said, “Go ahead!” “Don’t worry,” they responded. “Yes,” I...

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Google Tricks

Google Tricks

I receive a free weekly ezine, "The MediaCoach" from UK based media expert, Alan Stevens, and always find it full of interesting and helpful articles. This interesting article is really worthy of your attention. “You may have come across a handy search engine called...

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From the Vault: Business Growth Challenge

From the Vault: Business Growth Challenge

With Christmas fast approaching, this is a great challenge you can use to grow your business... This week's challenge is to create a great Christmas offer for your special clients that is sizzling with value and will be appreciated by them and not just seen as a quick...

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It’s Melbourne Cup Time

It’s Melbourne Cup Time

Every year I let you know when my mate, Max Hitchins, has produced the annual edition of How To Pick The Winner of the Melbourne Cup. So this is to let you know that the book for 2022 is out now and, if you are like many Australians who love to have a flutter on the...

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Another Commercial

Another Commercial

I’ve extracted this from Wikipedia to set the scene for a few of these crazy commercials. “Crazy Eddie was a consumer electronics chain in the north-eastern United States. The chain was started in 1971by businessmen Eddie and Sam M. Antar. The chain rose to prominence...

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Take a bus ride

Take a bus ride

Like many people we are a two car family and, as there’s only my wife and me, we’re very independent and we can each travel where we like when we like. But, with my wife currently recovering from a shoulder operation and banned from driving for six weeks or so, we’ve...

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Do Jane a favour!

Do Jane a favour!

I’ve known and helped Jane Verity almost since she arrived here from Denmark, unable to speak a word of English, but determined to blaze new trails in the treatment of dementia. She sure has done that and her methods of dementia care are being used around the world....

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The best damn drug in the hospital

The best damn drug in the hospital

The other day I took my beloved lady (my wife, in case you had other imaginative ideas!) into a big hospital for a post-operative consultation with her surgeon. Now, normally, big hospitals are pretty cheerless places where everyone either looks like they are dying or...

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It ain’t the good old days anymore!

It ain’t the good old days anymore!

This is a photo of a sign in a local fish’n chip shop window and is a real blast from the past. By that I mean it was the type of announcement that local traders made when they wanted people flocking in to seek a part time job to earn a bit of income. But that was the...

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Another Commercial

Another Commercial

I often rabbit on about how much money breweries have to lavish on their commercials but there is another cadre who have heaps to spend and love spending. Who? I hear you ask. Well it's car companies… the engineers spend bucket loads developing a new model and the...

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Not really a gift

Not really a gift

I’ve probably talked about this before but I really do get incensed when I get a supposed gift certificate from a company with whom I’ve done business. Why do I get incensed? Well, generally the gift certificate turns out not to be a gift at all, most often because it...

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I just love…!

I just love…!

These were the words a mate enthusiastically said to me when he was showing me a reference that an employer had written about his wife and himself. And I reckon it was the best reference I’ve ever read and I’ve read a few! Now my mate is no spring chicken but, about 2...

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