Winno’s Blog


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Another commercial

Another commercial

The family and I were sitting around endeavouring to recall which of the commercials of the past we enjoyed most. It was a unanimous decision that the Yellow Pages “Not Happy. Jan” was a deserving winner. Then was the unashamed rip off by the the chocolate...

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Do This To Save Your Job From AI

Do This To Save Your Job From AI

You may remember listening to, or reading, the many great ideas from my amazingly knowledgeable about all things digital mate, Terry Brock. Recently he, and his long time and equally knowledgeable partner, Gina Carr, published a video and podcast on AI. It’s so good I...

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When I’m setting goals I’ve always found that it’s important that I write them down because it sets them in concrete. Otherwise I can change my goals as easily as changing my mind. And of course once on paper you can share them with your team, so they can toe the...

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Up your attitude!

Up your attitude!

I don’t know how the weather has been around your way but here, in my little corner of the world, it’s been close to damn near freezing (or it’s felt that way!). And it seems that, for many people at least, as the temperature goes down so does their attitude plummet...

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In tune with the market

In tune with the market

Quite some time ago I gave buskers a bit of a blast for not understanding the first principle of marketing… find out what your market wants and give it to them! You see most buskers want to play their own compositions or stuff they love… which isn’t what the passing...

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Another Commercial

Another Commercial

I’ve never believed that banks are able to produce humorous commercials and I reckon that this attempt proves it. This is HSBC’s world's local bank advert from some time ago. Funny? What do you think? Discover the 3 black boxes to get your business really firing! Get...

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A Customer-Winning Display

A Customer-Winning Display

First impressions count. We all know that. But a lot of businesses seem to forget it when it comes to displaying their products or services. What makes the ‘first impression’ where your business is concerned? If it's human resources (like a receptionist or a...

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Great Tips for Free!

Great Tips for Free!

Frankly, because I love writing more than anything else, I’ve never given much attention to other MS applications, particularly MS Excel, much to the sneers of mates who use spreadsheets for all sorts of stuff. However there comes a time in one’s life when you just...

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Work on the Welcome

Work on the Welcome

The most important thing prospects want when they deal with you is to be made to feel welcome. Getting that right shouldn’t be left to luck or individual intelligence. You have to create a script of what the team say and do when a client walks in the door. Write down...

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Another Commercial

Another Commercial

Somebody reckoned that this advert for eye checks was the UK ad of the year a while ago.It reminded of the great series of “Should have gone to Specsavers” adverts we’ve enjoyed so much which, I hear, is being dropped and replaced by a different thematic approach. So,...

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When you mail

When you mail

You know my fondness for snail mailing, I love to see it being used. But there is one compelling design “must” that is often overlooked in a mailing shot. And what’s that? The signature! "Always use the writer's actual signature, and not a neat-'n'-tidy phony computer...

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