We’ve always believed that when one animal you love goes to God, you should immediately replace it with another, and not spend ages mourning the loss.

So when our beautiful cat went to God recently we adopted a lovely little kitten through a wonderful woman who finds homes for the zillions of kittens that are unfortunately abandoned every breeding season.

Since we got Sophie, my wife in particular, and I, get hours of enjoyment just watching her play. Once she’s had a sleep, she’s ready to play with anything and everything and, being extremely athletic, climb up the cat tree and swing all around it! She teases us by running up our legs, across our shoulders and down our backs at lightning speed!

With my wife’s memory slowly fading, it’s keeping her on top of things and ensuring she laughs every day… great for memory loss!

Take it from me! Just watching and playing with a kitten will take years off your age!

If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must read this book today!