Frankly, because I love writing more than anything else, I’ve never given much attention to other MS applications, particularly MS Excel, much to the sneers of mates who use spreadsheets for all sorts of stuff.

However there comes a time in one’s life when you just have to force yourself to use new stuff and getting to know and use MS Excel was something I had to do.

Now, I have known Donna Hanson for years and respected her skills and knowledge when it comes to computer skills and as a Microsoft Accredited expert I knew she knew lots and lots about it (and everything else about productive use of a computer!).

So I downloaded a copy of her 39 Microsoft Excel Tips and Shortcuts for Business eBook and since then, by using those tips, have absolutely thrived, so much so that I think you may get huge value from it too. So, here’s the link for you to get yourself a copy…

Download it! It may solve problems for you too.