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From the Vault: Butt Kicker: Daily objectives
Here’s another idea that may help you kick butt (that is… achieve results) in the New Year. They are a mix of business and personal ideas so that whether you are in your own business or work for a boss there are some action ideas for you. Butt Kicker 2: Daily...
Have a Pie Today
I have had a fondness for the mathematical constant ? (pi) ever since I did maths at school and for some reason have found it useful all my life. So I was delighted to discover that it is celebrated. Wikipedia tells us that Pi Day is an annual celebration of the...
Another commercial
When a friend sent me this commercial he asked, “An oldie?” and I thought he was probably right. In fact, it was made about 15 years ago when what was acceptable is certainly not now. Considering when it was made, and putting contemporary standards aside, watch it...
What is it?
This clipping is from The Age Digital Edition, Sunday, 27 Feb 2022, Page 100. So there you are! I’ve given you the answer, it’s an advert from the newspaper. But, if you are like me, even after you’ve carefully scrutinised it you probably aren’t any the wiser. As I...
At least sound like you mean it
The other day I went to see a medical specialist and arrived in adequate time as I always do... about 10 minutes early. More than 10 minutes after the appointed time the doctor’s assistant emerged to tell me that “Dr Smith says he'll be about half an hour late.” I...
Are you a waffler?
I think you'll recall that I constantly remind you of the value of checking what you write by using the MSW Readability Test. This is where we aim to get what we write understood by somebody in year 8 to 10. The readability test is a very simple way of checking it....
From The Vault: Top Ways to Kick Butt in the New Year!
These butt kickers may be old, but they're still very true today! More to come... As we head into the holiday break I’ll give you an idea every so often that may help you kick butt (that is… achieve results) in the New Year. They are a mix of business and personal...
Forget this word
I am amazed how often people put themselves or their businesses down by using one word. And that word is “just”. You’ll hear them say, “I’m just a web designer” or “I’m just a teacher” or “It’s just a printing business”. When just used in that way it really is...
Another commercial
I am departing from my normal custom of sending you a bona fide commercial to actually “do a commercial” for a dear friend of mine. Unable to speak English, Jane Verity arrived in Australia from Denmark many years ago with previous experience working in rehabilitation...
A Tip to Enhance Your Talk
One of the things that makes a good advertisement is the amount of white space surrounding the words. Advertising writers know that ads are easier to read when there is lots of white space to balance the words. And so it is with speeches or talks. I call adding this...
First People First
The other day I was reminded of something we used to be very good at when we were growing up and taught our kids as we became parents, but unfortunately, the etiquette appears to have slowly slipped into disuse. And what was it? Well, I think we called it “waiting...
Sell easy, sell more
I'm amazed how many people I see trying to sell their prospects by using email. That's bound to result in frustration, tears and very few sales. The best way to get sales is to get out and meet people. Get face-to-face, belly to belly! I reckon that Frank Bettger's...
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