Winno’s Blog


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to make you say WOW!

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Actions to “Wow!” 3

Actions to “Wow!” 3

Continuing my promise to let you know of great ways in which individuals are creating simple ideas and actions to "wow" their clients, here’s some great thoughts I got from one of Bob Burg’s regular Daily Impact Emails. “In John David Mann’s and my book, The Go-Giver...

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Coming Up With Clever Ideas 2!

Coming Up With Clever Ideas 2!

In a previous article I promised I’d share seven tips, one-at-a-time, which will make sure you get out of that rut and get creative. Hopefully, you remember the first one I gave you… clean your teeth once a week holding the toothbrush in the other hand! Have you tried...

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From the Vault: Tips on Testimonials

From the Vault: Tips on Testimonials

An oldie but a goodie! I’ve often talked talked about the power of testimonials in validating the claims you make for your products or services. In fact, testimonials are one of the most powerful marketing tools in your marketing arsenal. One of the best ways you can...

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Coming up with clever ideas

Coming up with clever ideas

I was meeting a colleague the other day at a cafe-bar in South Melbourne where I saw this innovative piece of thinking. A barbecue outside the cafe! On a chilly Melbourne evening the warmth of the BBQ itself, the sound of sausages sizzling, the aroma of meat cooking...

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(Not Strictly) Another Commercial

(Not Strictly) Another Commercial

Mainly because they are the British Airways Safety Video and its sequel (shot as a result of the reception to the first) made using celebrities and a touch of comedic relief (a great idea coz airline safety videos are normally pretty boring compulsory viewing). I...

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Bravo! Cure bad habits!

Bravo! Cure bad habits!

Don’t you get frustrated when you are standing in a queue waiting to purchase something pretty simple and the person ahead of you either has no manners or is verging on idiocy? For instance, I’m talking about someone who ignores the counter clerk to take a phone call...

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Actions to “Wow!” Part 2

Actions to “Wow!” Part 2

In a blog the other day I promised to let you know of great ways in which individuals are creating simple ideas and actions to "wow" their clients. My mate, Lance, recently had a nasty experience with a guy who was to lay a small amount of artificial grass in his back...

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That’s a great attitude!

That’s a great attitude!

Here’s something for you if you are a bit slow in the mornings and want to sharpen up your attitude! Or know someone else that may need help. I was just getting into a show on Prime Cable (not a subscriber but using up a bit of free trial time) called Ten Percent,...

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From the Vault: Challenge: Send a card!

From the Vault: Challenge: Send a card!

Nowadays sending a card has gone out of fashion, but I think that's a good thing - it means sending one will make you stand out! Following the advice in this post from the vault is a great way to connect with your valued clients.  Whilst, no doubt, there’ll be lots of...

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Done really well!

Done really well!

My wife has supported the Collingwood Football Team since the moment she was born, mainly because her father was a supporter and I think probably his father before him. Now she won’t go to matches or watch their games on TV because she thinks she puts the “mozz” on...

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Another commercial

Another commercial

Here’s the Heinz Ketchup 2016 Hot Dog Commercial which was made especially to run during that year’s Super Bowl at the normal horrendous cost of running an advert during that event. Cute things dachshunds but not my favourites and how long can you look at dogs s’posed...

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Watch it!

Watch it!

I sat down to write a blog tonight after a hard day lunching with friends and family and enjoying the race that stops a nation. I had something in mind to write about but thought I’d watch a movie just to get in the mood. And I stumbled across a movie by accident....

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