In a blog the other day I promised to let you know of great ways in which individuals are creating simple ideas and actions to “wow” their clients.

My mate, Lance, recently had a nasty experience with a guy who was to lay a small amount of artificial grass in his back yard. The guy asked for cash in advance to purchase the materials and Lance, who like me, believes your word is your bond, duly advanced the cash. The result… no materials, no lawn laid and no further sign of the crooked tradie!

Feeling pretty burnt by this, Lance was directed by his powers that be to “get it done”.

He talked around, found another guy who was recommended. That guy turned up, gave a quote (around half of the original guy’s quote and, when Lance accepted the quote, gave an installation date. The result… that guy turned up on time and did a really good job!

Lance was even more delighted when he received this SMS the next day:

“Morning mate, thanks again for trusting me with the grass install. I hope it turned out like you hoped it would!”

What a great follow up! Simple but very effective.

Lance certainly said, “Wow!” and has shown everyone the message and handed out the guy’s contact details to several friends who need similar work.

Why don’t you try a simple SMS to delight your clients, customers or patients?

Winston's guru Dan Kennedy often says be a better marketer of what you do, than doer of what you do, and unfortunately, most people aren't. Learn the marketing basics for your business now! Marketing Magic