Continuing my promise to let you know of great ways in which individuals are creating simple ideas and actions to “wow” their clients, here’s some great thoughts I got from one of Bob Burg’s regular Daily Impact Emails.

“In John David Mann’s and my book, The Go-Giver Influencer, one of the mentors, Judge Cecelia Henshaw tells her protégé, Jackson:

“The most important words that will ever pass between you and your prospective customers are the words spoken by them—not by you.” What are they saying? How are they saying it? What is their body language and their facial expression as they are saying it?

Key Point: This is the vital moment where your combination of “attention” and “empathy” truly come into play.

It’s paying close enough attention to them as a person (not just a prospect) to know there’s something on their mind, and tuning into your sense of empathy in order to relate to them in a way that they understand that you care; that you “feel that they are feeling something,” and that you have *their* well-being at heart.

The Result: Those who do this truly separate themselves; they legitimately *distinguish* themselves from the rest of the field as someone special. After all, most people are far too interested in what they themselves are saying to pay that much attention to what the other person is saying, how they are saying it, and often what they are “saying by not saying it.”

Exercise: From this moment on, work on applying this in your conversations, with your prospective customers, your current customers, and yes…everyone else in your life. Not only is it great practice, but your level of understanding and the effectiveness of your communication will rise dramatically as well!”

Burg Communications, Inc.

They’re my italics in that middle paragraph, by the way, just to emphasise the core message, not that you need it I know but that paragraph is worth a couple of reads just to lock in.

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