Winno’s Blog
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to make you say WOW!
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I love busy places
When you've got a problem or need a fresh idea it's great to get out of your normal workplace and do something different... go for a coffee, have a brisk walk or just sit out in the fresh air and ponder. I love to practise the fine art of omphaloskepsis... to...
From the Vault: Look good, feel good… do great!
To market yourself effectively you must do the best possible with that amazing package called “you” which determines your self-image. Invest the resources on yourself to make you the best you can be and, when you look good and feel good, you’ll get great results. If...
A little over the top?
My Miracle Worker, Felicity, sent me this copy of a thank you email a colleague received after making a purchase, wondering whether it was a mite too far over the top.Well, I think not! Seeing her own name would have made customer, Elizabeth, feel special and as she...
Another commercial
You may remember when Air NZ introduced its new Australia to LA flights they used Charlie the duck as spokesperson, which was very successful.But now the Kiwis are more than annoyed by Gerry the goose doing a bit of a flog for Emirates.But the Kiwis weren’t going to...
Three formatting mistakes
When you are writing an advert, handbill or any copy that you want to grab the attention of the beholder don’t make these terrible mistakes; All capital letters in the headline are darn hard to read. Normal sentence structure of upper case/lower case is much more...
Too genteel by half!
With all we've been seeing and hearing emanating from England currently, we do know and understand that the English people are reserved and polite. I'm sure that this very polite billboard I see on the Melbourne skyline when driving back from the airport endeavours to...
How’s your ensemble?
You know, I love the theatre, particularly musical theatre and last night I was watching a great show (Hairspray, my wife loved it much more than me!) and I really took notice of the ensemble. Now, I hear you ask, what are ensemble roles? Well, to grab someone’s...
From the Vault: Advertising on radio or television?
Still relevant questions today! And really, they're important for ANY type of advertisement or promotion. Before you book radio or television advertising ask yourself: 1. Who is the market I want to reach? 2. Very specifically what is my offer to them? 3. What do I...
Pom by heritage, Aussie by birth!
I have always been an ardent admirer of the monarchy, what with an English rose as a mother and pioneering Aussie farmers on dad’s side. Back in 1952, as an 11 year old paper boy it took me over 3 hours to do my normal 45 minute paper delivery round. That was simply...
Another commercial
The passing at the end of August of Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, the Soviet politician, who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union from 1985 to the country's dissolution in 1991, reminded me of the Pizza Hut commercial he featured in after retiring. Here's...
Your target market
I wrote this article about 4 years ago and I think it deserves a repeat when we are told almost daily that there are 500,000 unemployed and 500,000 job vacancies. It seems to me that if the bosses empathised (i.e. walked in the moccasins) with their ideal team member...
A plethora of F but a scarcity of B!
Remember, a little while ago, I shared a FAB soap powder box as a reminder that people like features but love the benefits the features deliver. In their rush to talk about themselves many businesses talk features without explaining the benefits those features...
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