I recently reported on Facebook 2 incidents which demonstrated that business owners were getting serious about sales and service… the first was when the bank teller asked me after she had completed my transaction was there “Anything else I can do for you?” That knocked me out for a start… it’s never happened before. Then at one of my healthcare providers the receptionist actually demonstrated a useful heath aid and asked me “Would you like to buy one?” Gosh, what’s the world coming to?

The icing on the service cake occurred the other day when Eswen, my miracle working PA returned from a quick trip up north flying Jetstar, an airline not highly regarded for service. Eswen left her book in the seat pocket when she got off the plane in Melbourne and, although she contacted Jetstar to tell them of her loss, she fully expected (as we all would) never to be reunited with her book again. So was I absolutely amazed when Eswen reported that Jetstar not only found the book but mailed it to her! How about that for service way above and beyond expectations? A gold star for Jetstar folks!