With all the hammering pharmaceutical companies have been taking recently its good to see that Ph, who were hardest hammered, do something that wins my approval and I’m sure will win yours. You’ve probably herd the expression “Recognise the elephant in the room” which means that if there is a problem, that everyone knows about you should raise it. In this ad about erectile dysfunction they are cleverly addressing the fact the guy has a problem but is too embarrassed to raise it, and I reckon it does it well. As Eswen the miracle worker says, she would have preferred to see it targeting some more important condition or treatment. However, I was happy with it but I’m probably the target although I firmly deny the elephant problem. There is not even an elephant in the room!
Pfizer – Elephant in the Room from Vanessa Reynolds on Vimeo.
Commercial does not load and run.
Check to see if any browser security settings are blocking your access to the website ‘vimeo’ as the video is from this link. Alternatively try the link – http://vimeo.com/23185861
Thanks Michele…link works fine.