One of the big problems for many people selling their products or services is getting into see the decision maker. I’m not a big wrap for cold calling unless you love getting knock backs so I always believe that you should warm the prospect up with a letter.

To get through to the prospect it’s a great idea if the letter is…

  1. In a plain envelope
  2. Hand addressed
  3. Stamped not franked
  4. Posted from somewhere interesting
  5. Has a bulge in it

In this case, the bulge is provided by a small cake of soap… the sort that you get at motels and less than 5-star hotels.

Before you rush off and adapt it to suit your needs remember two things…

  1. The letter will most definitely need a phone call follow up (ask us for the script).
  2. The objective of the letter (and the phone follow-up) is to get an appointment not to sell the product or service.