With Easter coming up here’s a letter that takes advantage of the season. It will cost you a few bucks to get it to work properly to get results but it’ll be worth it.

As I recall, years ago when I first wrote it, it got appointments with about 90% of recipients and dragged in a lots of investments for the financial planner who used it. It’s a variation of the famous Christmas cake letter email us for a copy of that – (info@winstonmarsh.com.au).

But remember, it’s not really how good the letter is but the quality of the prospects to whom you are sending it. Around 60% of your results will come from having the right… qualified… prospects for what you are selling. But that ain’t news is it?

So what do you do to make this work?

Well, you have the gift wrapped box of beautiful chocolate, melt-in-the-mouth eggs (not one or two crappy, poor quality, supermarket cheap chocolate eggs either!) courier delivered to the prospect.

Better still, have someone phone to check that the prospect is in and then promptly have one of your team members acting as a courier deliver the gift. They don’t answer questions or reveal anything about the offer… they can stand there whist the prospect opens the gift to reassure them that it’s not a bomb (coz most bomb couriers don’t wait around!).

The phone follow up two days after the gift is delivered is critical… and remember it’s to get the appointment not try and sell what you’ve got over the phone.