Now, hang on a minute Republicans, don’t unleash the slings and arrows of derision and invective before you hear me out!
In my opinion we need her (and her successors) for a couple of reasons.
1. The pomp and ceremony which marks the milestones in both her and the family’s life reminds us of just how good marketing at its best can be. The way the events are staged and particularly how they build to a crescendo with the event growing in intensity and magnificence is a lesson for all in getting people’s attention and holding it… and all the time sending a message (in this case what a great tourist attraction Royalty is and, gosh, doesn’t she earn Britain more than she costs). If only you could apply AIDA like she does!
2. It’s great to have a reason to honour people who have made a contribution to our community and our lives. Yes, I know we have Australia Day but Queen’s birthday is nice convenient time to have another go at it mid-year and there sure are a helluva lot of people who deserve recognition. In fact, I suspect someone I know is worthy of an award and I’ll be looking up the list on Monday to see whether they are on it.
Bring back knighthoods I say!
Happy birthday your Majesty (even though its not you real one!).