I was waiting for my wife and daughter who were “just going to duck into a shop for a couple of moments” that turned into an hour or so. Of course, as the time dragged slowly on, I spent increasing time mentally fashioning their slow and painful demise.

Women! What is it about them and shops?

However, I chose a place for coffee in which to pass the time and, as a reward for my patience, noted a marketing lesson worthy of drawing to your attention.

The coffee making establishment in which I sought placation is that phenomenon known as Starbucks. Perhaps something we can discuss another day.

Sitting, twiddling my thumbs trying to pass the time and occasionally exuding ear steam, I was dragged from my murderous thoughts by one of the Starbucks team members who was offering me a free sample.

Now free samples and me go back to my infancy when dad always bought me a sample bag at the Royal Perth Show for a mere threepence or sixpence (well, that’s almost free).

The bag from some merchant or other would be stuffed chockablock full of samples, real samples, of their products which we (the family) would, dependent on their purpose, try out or eat (I preferred the edible samples!).

Invariably, if we liked what we sampled, we became regular purchasers and consumers of the product. And if I or my sister really liked it we nagged to ensure the purchase.

So samples, particularly free samples, are a great way to get people to try something new and, if they like, buy… and generally continue to buy.

But you don’t see them being used very much nowadays. Oh yes, occasionally there’ll be a demonstrator in a supermarket giving out tasty samples. But not often for other businesses.

So have a look at what you offer by way of a product or service and think about how you could offer a free sample of it. Then get out there, in front of the right people, and proudly offer it. If they like what they try, they’ll buy.

Oh by the way, what was the free sample the Starbucks guy was offering? It was a lovely little cup of a refresher drink… and I liked it… but unfortunately he didn’t tell me what it was called so I can’t go back and buy.

Make sure you let them know exactly what you’re offering when you give your sample just so they can ask for it by name.

Samples work! Always will.