G’day Colleagues, friends and family!

If you want to get an idea of how infectious Rowena McEvoy is just have a listen to this short grab from one of her talks to her team.  That’s how she’ll be on Monday… she’ll provide you with ideas, inspiration and insights (as a great speaker mate of mine Keith Abraham would say).  No matter how you feel, what your problem (or lack thereof) or what you want to achieve Rowena will really get you going.  After all, if she just shares a little of what she’s done to get where she’s got that’ll be a heck of a lot of value.  I can guarantee you’ll take away heaps and heaps…  it’ll be your best Monday yet!

Here are the details of the breakfast and how to book…

P.S. I’m sorry you’ll have to wait until Monday to find out what happens to Michael the little mouse.