I think I may have already subtly revealed (or was I more obvious than that?) that I’m back into doing a bit of running.  Not that I’m trying to get back to my marathon running days but rather just to increase fitness and reduce fatness.

It’s meant that I have to get be out on the run by about 5’ish coz I still want to go out walking with my mates and dogs around 6.  It also means that regardless of where we are with this daylight saving thing I’m always running in the dark.

Fortunately, at that time of the morning, there are very few cars on the road so it means that I can avoid the road camber by running down the centre of the roads that make up my route.

And that’s led me to discover some things on the road which may not be obvious but almost subconsciously guide us when we are driving to keep us on a safe course.

They are road markers.  Well, at least that’s what I would call them.  Small, “pyramiddy” shaped reflectors buried in the centre of the road at the approach to corners and roundabouts.  In the dark they “light up” brilliantly when car headlights hit them and alert the driver to what’s coming up.

And seeing them got me thinking as I ran.

What are the road markers in my life!  What do I have to alert me to times when I must make a decision, be aware or just take care?

Shouldn’t I have them in place before I embark on a course of action?

Road markers… the critical decision points in your life when you carefully pause and reflect on how you’re doing.  Install them before you start, to avoid problems.  Better than having to cope with problems that could have been avoided.

Worth having don’t you think?