Yep, that’s what you’ll get if you book in for the breakfast I’ve organised to hear Jurek Leon, this coming Friday.  Jurek is one of the most interesting, entertaining and practical customer service gurus I’ve ever met or listened to (and believe me, over the years, I’ve met a few!).

He’s ideas are simple, easy to implement and, best of all, they work.  Using them will ensure you get four great results:

  1. Your team will be happier, more switched on and enjoy what they do… heaps more!
  2. Your customers, clients, patients and patrons will love doing business with you!
  3. They’ll keep coming back and introduce their friends!
  4. You’ll make more money to share between you and your team!

Plus there’s a bonus!  You and the team will feel motivated and alive after the breakfast.  You’ll be ready to go out and kick butt, well at the very least, you’ll make things happen.

So come on!  Do you and the team a favour!  Book all of you in for the breakfast now!  Details here.