I went to a free seminar last night and I can tell you that free was the price I should have paid!  However, I’ll bore you with the reasons why in a later blog.

However, I did run into a man who represented an accountancy practice and was looking for people with specific problems which his practice could help them with. Looking at the crowd I felt there would be nobody of the right credentials for him to have made his attendance worthwhile.  They were all young computer geeks and he was looking for more mature business owners.

However, reflecting about this over a croissant with my favourite and wise chartered accountant colleague this morning, I realised the error of my ways.  My colleague summed up where my thinking was wrong by saying “As long as you are out there something will happen.”

What he meant quite simply was that you will never meet potential clients by just sitting in your office.

It’s like the hen who gets out of the barn every morning and works over the same patch she worked over yesterday… occasionally she will find a worm!  That makes it worthwhile getting out of the barn.

So, it’s getting out of your business that’s important.  You’ve just got to get out there and meet people.

To increase the percentage of meeting great new contacts I suggest you modify my colleague’ savvy advice to “As long as you are out there talking in an interesting way to the right sort of people something will happen!”

Putting it another way, one of my favourite authors says “Show me a person who earnestly and enthusiastically tells their story every day to four of the sort of people they want and I’ll show you a very successful person.”