If you need to explain something to someone and you just can’t think of anything else, tell a story. The story has to be true of course, no fibs or twisting the truth.

For example, when someone says, “It’s too expensive” you might say something like…

“We had somebody in like you the other day and they said exactly the same thing to me, ‘Gee that’s expensive.’ But I’ll never forget that, as they walked out after getting all the facts they made a point of telling me ‘You reminded me of something… you get what you pay for!”

Telling them that in a story is far more powerful than anything else.

It’s not hard because we all talk about other customers, clients and patients to people when they come in. We never mention names or anything else, for privacy, but we’ll often say, “We had a patient who had this and this and when we did the tests this is what we found.”

That’s why in your team meetings, apart from the other agenda items, you need to have some boasting sessions. Otherwise it’s easy to assume everybody knows what everybody else has done but they don’t.

We all do it! You forget to tell the rest of the team so they don’t know anything about it.

To overcome that, at your team meetings have got to ask questions like, “What are some great stories, what’s our best tooth whitening story of the week, so that we all know about it and we can talk about it?”

So when people say, “I can’t afford it” you can have a story for them. It’d be along the lines of “It would have been just last week and a guy about your age came in, had a look at the widget and said he couldn’t afford it. So I told him all the benefits and where the value was but that naturally the decision was up to him. No matter what I said he wasn’t going to buy, he was just not going to do it. Sad thing he was knocked over and killed by a truck… a truck driven by the boss of this place…”

Forget the killed by a truck bit but can you see how a story gets people in? As soon as you start to talk about somebody like them they get curious to know more. And curiosity is compelling!

They love the story, it makes a heap of sense, and they buy!