A mantra of mine has always been that one of the three ways you can generate referrals is to make people say “Wow!” when they do business with you. It’s my belief that when you ‘wow’ them they’ll talk about you positively to their friends and colleagues.

KingKongThere’s a great demonstration of this in “King Kong”, the new musical running at the Regent Theatre in Melbourne, which I went to see last night.

As you know, if you’ve seen either of the two movies of the same name, the plot is pretty thin… man and ape fall in love with girl, ape meets tragic end and lovers walk off into the sunset. Even with the addition of singing and dancing it’s still not the greatest musical I’ve ever seen.

But boy, did King Kong make me (and the rest of the audience) say “Wow!”?

Betcha bippy he did!

He was fantastic… quite memorable. So memorable in fact that I’ve told lots of people already today. Now I’m sharing it with you and telling you to go see it. I think most people who saw the show will do the same so it will have a great run.

So the lesson. How do you make doing business with you so memorable that your clients, customers, patients and patrons tell others and, as a result, your business has a great run? What do you do to make them say “Wow!”?