I’ve often talked about the idea of working with non competitive businesses to make extraordinary value offers to your target market.

Hotel LexusThis advert (which I found in the Qantas on board magazine, a great media choice) is a classic example of two businesses working together to create an appealing offer for their shared target market.

This beaut Brisbane boutique hotel would be exactly the place Lexus buyers would love to stay and vice versa.

So the offer of a free Lexus and picnic when they stay at the hotel would be attractive and would create hotel bookings and result in some Lexus sales too.

And if the hotel and Lexus promoted it to their data base (in addition to advertising) they could achieve huge results. Just one important thing… I hope they followed up everyone who took up the offer!

So, the point of this story is simple.

What businesses have a similar target market to you with whom you can combine to make irresistible offers for your mutual benefit? It’ll be hugely rewarding for each business!