What should you do with your bright ideas? Well it’s pretty simple isn’t it? Turn them into action! As an example here’s what a Kiwi (although he’s been living in the UK for over 20 years) has done with his bright idea… got people walking all over it.

So have you had a bright idea and done nothing with it? Well, it’s time to do something about it and turn it into cash or, at the very least, into compliments.

Working for an entrepreneur years ago I reckon there were a couple of characteristics that set him apart from the run of the mill people who don’t have the courage to turn ideas into action and they were…

  1. He didn’t know what he didn’t know so there was never anything that stopped him getting started.
  2. He had strong self belief so he was undeterred by the negative influences of other people.
  3. He never thought about the problems he might meet on the way… he just solved them if and when he got to them.
  4. Most importantly, when he had an idea he just went to work on it.

Sure, he had lots of ideas that didn’t work out but he also had lots that did… and made him millions.