You know those infernal and interminable e-mail offers that come flooding into your in box before you get so sick of them that you get your name off the list?

Well, they do work gangbusters as this report about a Cudo and Sea World Resort promotion breaking the record for any online marketing campaign in Australia and ranking amongst the top 10 in the world demonstrates.

To have success, not necessarily of these proportions, you don’t have to be a big business coz it has great applications for smaller business too. Choosing the right promotions company, who have the right list with the right potential clients, making an attractive offer and having a enough fat in your offer (or the real prospect of repeat business) to make sure it doesn’t cost you heaps are the keys to your success.

For example, a mate of mine who runs a city restaurant did extremely well with his offer and made money too simply by ensuring that his team members had add-on and up-sell offers for every person who took up his dining offer. And, as well, he gave them an extra offer to bring them back. Naturally too, he got their email addresses into his database.

So, think about it. How could you use this extremely profitable from of marketing (if you get it right).

By the way I got this information from the PowerRetail newsletter.