If you have followed my writings over the last two years you would know that I took my Mazda dealer to task sometime ago. You see I had bought a new Mazda from the dealership and so had my wife. From the time we bought the cars we never heard from anyone in the dealership again. And that’s despite there being new models released, us having our cars regularly serviced there and all sorts of other events that may have been of interest to us.

But times are changing! Either times are tough and they’re trying to boost car sales or they have a new approach to staying in touch with clients.

You see I received this email below. They are inviting me to test drive a new Mazda at last! And I’ll probably do so but I would be much more amenable had they stayed in touch with me. The result is that if we like it when we see it at that dealership, we’ll probably buy one from another dealership.

A dealership who stays in touch!

Remember that old mantra… finding new customers is umpteen times harder that looking after existing customers! I do hope that you are staying in touch with yours!

Mazda email