You know if you’ve been thinking about advertising on Facebook it’s worth a try particularly if you’re trying to attract a local market.

And why is that?Well, very simple! Because you can target very, very easily.

So go have a look at Facebook advertising and work out how to target your market by just following the prompts.

Then the next thing is to make sure that the the advert you write really flags down your prospect. That means obeying the A I D A formula. Think about your advert as being like a big billboard on the side of the road. It’s got to get a message across with a minimum of words and a great graphic that works gangbusters to grab attention.

Oh, by the way, I found that having the advert in the body of the Facebook page rather than on the side worked the best.

Now, once people click on your advert. you need to take them to a page, called a “squeeze page”, within your website that is completely congruent with the message that you have in your advert.

No point in advertising “straighter teeth in six months” if they click on that advert and it takes them to your cosmetic dentistry page. It should take them to a “straighter teeth in six months” page that sells the benefits very clearly and simply and then tells them what to do next. Which of course, in this case, would be to make an appointment.

If you think it through calmly and quietly you too will be able to do Facebook advertising that really works for you. Keep it simple, keep it congruent and keep testing and measuring your results against any changes you make and you’ll soon experience the joy of productive Facebook advertising.