Don’t call me mate!

Lately there’s been an annoying increase in the number of people who aren’t friends of mine but insist on addressing me as “mate”. Now I don’t mind being “mate” to my friends (in fact it’s almost a term of endearment) but I do object to being addressed as...

Another commercial (or a couple of them rather)

Boy do the guys at Budweiser know how to splash money around when it comes to making TVC’s for those fabulously expensive Super Bowl commercial spots. Here’s the full version of a production they cut up into 30 second teasers. But this is the one that’ll bring a lump...

Give prospects what they expect at least

The Native Americans had a beautiful definition of empathy… you cannot know a person until you have spent at least 3 moons in their moccasins. Thus the problem for many business people is that they haven’t walked in the moccasins of their prospects. They think like...

If you’re green you’re growing…

And if you’re ripe you’re rotten! I think it was the late Zig Ziglar who first said those powerful words years ago but they remain true today. Most people stop learning when they leave school or university and even have to be dragged kicking and screaming to...