I’ve just been to a big specialist medical centre and whilst I had bags of time waiting for the guy I was gunna see I compiled this list (not to complain but to remind you) of the things that annoy people when waiting for specialists (and other professionals). Just make sure you and your team aren’t committing any of them when you interact with your clients, customers or patients.
1. They are almost always late.
2. They or their staff members never apologise for being late.
3. Their receptionist never interrupts personal conversation to attend to you.
4. Nobody ever gives you a cheerful greeting.
5. You’re not really a person, just another one of the scores of crook people they see day after day.
6. You have to complete a form with details you’ve already given them (at least they could enter those in on the form for you).
7. There’s never sufficient car parking or, if there is, it’s never easy or it’s expensive.
8. You bust a gut to get there but then you wait (see 1).
9. On the very rare occasion when you are late they will be on time and the receptionist will give you a caning!
Oh, by the way, I still love a specialist when they take a look at what ails me and tell me they think they can fix it. It makes the wait and all the rest pale into insignificance!
* CMO means “cheeses me off”.
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