Now you have all seen those flash mob episodes with people turn up at railway station and start singing or one musician morphs into a whole band in a town square or whatever. It’s a lot of great fun for participants and onlookers alike but here is a fantastic approach which I hope was planned by the supermarket rather than the musicians.
In a supermarket one afternoon a typical flash mob started singing a popular opera piece and attracted lots of attention.
Now, I’ll bet if the supermarket measured it, their dollar sales for around that period that afternoon would have been heaps better that the same time, same day other weeks. Why! Well, I reckon simply because that episode of great singing, which lots of shoppers joined into, would have put people in a great mood.
And people in great moods spend more!
But nobody else has thought to use a flash mob in this way. Wouldn’t it be worth experimenting with the idea? Maybe you can’t do something on such a big scale but give it some thought. What could you do that’s different and will put people in a “spend more” mood… as well as make them feel great? See the event here.
By the way, the supplier who helped put that stunt together look like great operators so have a look at their website too.
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