I was speaking at a seminar in Melbourne the other day and had the opportunity to wander into the reading room at the beautiful State Library of Victoria. I’m not quite sure of the history of this beautiful reading room but I venture to suggest it was modelled on the reading room of the British Library in London.
However no matter what its family credentials it’s a beautiful room and I defy anybody to go in there and not find it to be the perfect place for quiet contemplation and outstanding creativity.
Yet, you know so many people tell me that they are not creative and, of course, because they believe that, they’re exactly right and aren’t creative.
I firmly believe that every one of us has the creative germ inside us. All we have to do is to find the time and place to let it out.
So try to find a special spot where you think you can relax and get in the mood. Somewhere like this beautiful room.
Just try it and you’ll be amazed at how creative you can become.
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