Good communication with your clients, customers or patients is imperative in any successful business. By regularly communicating with your clients, customers or patients you gradually build the relationship. Once every month or two drop them a line… email or snail mail… or mail them a postcard. Even just give them a “how’s things” call. As a bonus, by frequently touching base with your clients and showing them that you care, you’ll generate more referrals. And that means more clients and bigger profits.
We are all guilty of the curse of assumption. We think that our clients, customers or patients know what we know. If they did, they’d be working in our business. There are so many things that our clients want to know that we can give them the information as a way to stay in touch with them.
Here are some ways to do it.
- Invite them to a seminar, workshop or display.
- Send them an article, maybe one that you’ve written or one you’ve seen that may appeal to them.
- Send them a brochure on a new product.
- Invite them to an after-hours, closed-door sale.
- Invite them to an exhibition or trade day.
- Send them a gift certificate for a new product or service.
- Remember their birthdays and other special events.
Staying in touch with your clients should not be done with the intention of getting business. That happens automatically when you build the relationship with them for the long term. It means that you say goodbye to one-night stands and hello to fruitful long-term relationships.
The “how’s things?” call is one of those techniques every businessperson should use. It works beautifully for anybody who is serious about making their business successful. In fact, if you’re not using it you should be. Want to learn more? Buy Winston’s downloadable discussion on the “How’s Things?” call here. “Part of the Winno’s Wise Words series”.
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