When people come to me for advice about advertisements I’m often dismayed at the paucity of detail they have provided in the advertisement. They make bland observations and give a list of things their product or service may do but never provide understandable information or detail.
It become a mantra of mine to say “If you want a customer to buy, you need to give meaningful specifics rather than meaningless generalities”. Give them the full story, tell them the facts, provide proof, use testimonials or quote statistics so that people can understand what it is about your product or service that makes it superior to the opposition’s and worth the money that you’re asking them to pay for it.
That’s why I was delighted to see an article today from that guy I admire so much, Denny Hatch, praising a very simple unique selling proposition for soap which was used for years and years and which he’d like to reinvigorate and make many more millions of dollars from. You can read all about it here.
And, even more importantly, whilst you’re at the site subscribe to Denny’s fantastic newsletter he sends sizzling hot to you every day. And buy his book too… It’s called Write Everything Right and the best darn information packed value book I’ve read in a long time.
Thanks, Winno. “The more you tell – the more you sell.”
If a swing tag on a piece of chair furniture in a shop only says “$99. Made in China” the owner should sack somebody.
As a potential buyer I want to know about the quality of wood, is it new or recycled? Are the bits glued, screwed or finger-jointed together? Does it also come in a flat-pack option? Is the leather first cut or second slice? Has the fabric been protected against stains? Are the screws brass, stainless steel or iron? Can it be delivered to my home in Woolamullamulla? How long will that take? Can I buy this chair on Visa?
Too often the sales jockey can’t answer important questions BECAUSE NO ONE BRIEFED HIM THOROUGHLY. So it’s back to the swing tag.
Keep up your good work, Winno. Google here for light relief: ebookofKnowledge
Always love your thoughts Brian!