Felicity, my miracle worker, makes a great point about guarantees as she explains here:
I was listening to a radio ad for an energy supplier the other day, which was basically the 2 radio presenters reading a script.
First point – how frustrating it is for people to have to sit around at home waiting for a tradie to show up. Big tick – identify your target market’s problem.
Second point – the energy supplier guarantees their tradie will show up in a 2 hour window of time, nominated by the customer. Another big tick – solving the target market’s problem.
Third point – what’s the guarantee? If the tradie doesn’t turn up on time, you’ll receive a gift. Cue the “FAIL” sound effect.
Up until the guarantee, this ad was going gangbusters. I know I was sitting there nodding, agreeing that it was a major nuisance waiting for a tradie who may or may not turn up, generally without any idea when that’s going to be anyway. So my ears pricked up when I heard the word “guarantee”.
But to say I’ll get a gift? How vague is that? A cheap pen with the energy supplier’s logo could be a gift, right through to an all expenses paid trip to Bali.
If you’re going to offer a guarantee, clearly define it and make it worth at least as much as what the customer is losing. Otherwise you might as well not bother offering it.
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