I’m a fan of the Roy Morgan organisation because, as market researchers, they provide me with useful information analysed and summarised in a way that is easy to understand and use. That’s why I was interested to learn about their Helix Personas which are designed to provide accurate profiling of Australian consumers across a variety of attributes. The attributes that have been included in creating them have been selected as the most predictive and defining consumer attributes.

Helix Personas are tools that combine sophisticated psychographic and behavioural data to classify the Australian population into 56 Personas and 7 Communities using a combination of their own and third party data sources.

Whilst you need to become a subscriber to gain total use of the detailed information they provide, I find the summaries they give at their website help me in thinking about the target markets I am pursuing. For example, below is a little of what they say about one of the communities, Aussie Achievers- Castle and Kids, married with children, living in a separate house in the outer suburbs/rural, above average income.

As I have often said, to know your market you must spend at least three moons in their moccasins. This will help!

See more at http://www.helixpersonas.com.au/ about and email us for a simple form I use to think about my target markets.

Helix personas

Helix Personas is a Trademark of Roy Morgan Research. Values Segments devised by Michele Levine of Roy Morgan Research and Colin Benjamin of The Horizons Network. All figures are based on 14+ population.