Rowena on her 45th birthday

Rowena on her 45th birthday

Our great mate and fitness guru, Rowena McEvoy, was asked what is the biggest problem that people encounter when trying to get fit?

Her response, “Excuses! People say it’s too hard to exercise, it’s too long, it’s too boring, I’m too busy, it’s too hot, it’s too cold…etc.”

According to McEvoy, excuses are for losers. The reason for this is that people who make excuses lose out! Being unfit means you lack the energy to participate in activities like skiing because you’re not healthy or to play football with the kids because you don’t feel like it.

So, no more excuses!

In a nutshell, there are a number of things you need to do to improve your health, fitness and lifestyle in general.

1. Stop telling yourself that you can’t do it and looking at what you can’t achieve.

2. Start thinking about what you can do and what you can achieve.

3. Start looking at all the delicious foods available to you to eat that are good for you.

4. Drink more fluid every day. Our brain is approximately 90% fluid so if you’re not drinking water, you’re going to slow down, feel tired and lethargic. Remember, water is ideal, but if you don’t like drinking water try juice, soft-drink, milk and even cordial. Whilst these fluids are not as effective as water, they are preferable to nothing at all.

5. Eat lots and lots of fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetables are made up of approximately 70 – 80% fluid, so the more of these you eat the more fluid you’ll be consuming. Remember eating fruit and vegetables is also very important to ensure you obtain a healthy level of fibre each day.

Start improving your lifestyle today! You can get fit in the New Year.

Winstons_Wise Words_Cover

These are extracts specially selected from a fantastic longer program by Wayne Mansfield whom Winno has known and respected for his unique, practical and pithy insights on business for many years. In this sampling you will hear simple crucial solutions to some of those problems in selling that Winston believes cause many people to stumble in making the sale. They are really “must know” approaches that will help you nail the “Part of the Winno’s Wise Words series”.