Look good, do good!

I have often talked about my friend and client, Rowena McEvoy, who with her husband Kerrie has trained thousands of fitness professionals to be just that… fitness professionals. She is a stickler for how people should present themselves and, although the...

What will happen to your cyberspace “stuff” when you die?

As we never know when it’s our time to go we probably won’t have time to give our next of kin details of all our passwords and other cyberspace stuff, so this make sense! Read the full article here   If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must start...

Another Commercial

This video is of an event that was obviously created with the idea of getting it to go viral and they obviously achieved that with close to 19 million views. It’s fun, it’s right for the target audience of young women and the product is not blatantly...

What I learned on the train

  “Cornerstones of Success” contains extracts specially selected from a fantastic longer program by Wayne Mansfield whom Winno has known and respected for his unique, practical and pithy insights on business for many years. In this sampling you will...