How’s your image

Those great research people, Roy Morgan, have recently looked at the image of professionals and found that nurses easily top the highest regarded list followed by doctors, pharmacists and (for me, quite amazingly) school teachers. The lowest ranked profession is once...

Getting through

If you’ve been to one of my seminars I have probably extolled the virtues of direct mail. In these days of literally hundreds of emails thudding into your inbox it’s nice to get a snail mail envelope occasionally. And you can really excite interest in the...

Remember the KISS principle?

The acronym KISS is one of the great rules of business and reminds us to keep it simple stupid (where the ‘stupid’ refers to you if you are making it complicated). This article, “Make More Sales By Keeping It Simple”, by Gihan Perera, gives some great tips...

I’ve lost a long time mentor

Although Stan Freberg, who died recently, never knew that he was awakening the creativity of a kid on the other side of the world, I just loved his madcap but memorable approach to advertising. I hung onto every word of the numerous records he produced and knew most...

Another commercial

One of the problems for many advertisers is differentiating themselves from the competition, no more so than for Pandora and the plethora of “me too” brands out there. Their target market is females, particularly mothers, and I think that this commercial...