Dentist sign

So can you guess what this huge sign is promoting?

Alright, if you said “dentist” you’ve either taken a moment to study it closely or just taken a wild guess.

And you’re right it covers the quite large expanse of the windows of a dentist’s first floor offices and it is fairly eye catching. But there’s just one problem…

It doesn’t proclaim loudly (as in big clear letters) that a dentist is what the sign is promoting. Sure, there are some pretty pictures and words that may give someone who gives it a casual glance a clue.

But that’s not good enough! It can’t be left to chance because…

You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of the market place.

In other words, if it doesn’t get their attention and spell it out, the sign is wasted. It needs the addition of that one word “Dentist” standing out bold and proudly.

Even better, knowing the populace’s fears about dentistry maybe “Gentle Dentist” or “Caring Dentist” would work much better. It’d be lovely to say “Pain Free Dentist” but the profession has a regulatory body that frowns on that claim coz it can’t be guaranteed for everyone. Maybe “Pain Free Dentist” in large letters with the addition of “For most people” in smaller letters as a disclaimer would be worth a try.

The lesson however is clear. Make sure your signage spells out what you do so even an idiot like you knows what you do!


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