I’ve been particularly impressed by Rebekah Carey, a switched on mortgage broker whose newsletter I avidly read every time it comes out. Always something of value or interest!

I particular liked this recent newsletter (below) with information that piqued my interest so much so that I just had to phone her to find out more. And that’s the cunning bit… I had to phone her to have a chat and you know where a chat might lead, a referral, a request for information or even to do business.

It’s the contemporary version of the “how’s thing call” that’s worked so well for me and many others over the years.

So how could you use Rebekah’s great idea?

Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40

If you don’t know how to sell the benefits your advertisements just won’t work! Get these simple, sensible rules and easy to follow instructions, tips and hints to make writing great adverts a piece of cake.

Hey Winston

BEFORE you get to the car yard, do you:

1. Understand what’s going on when the car yards are offering 1% finance on specific vehicles

2. Understand why the interest rate quoted by the car yard will always be higher when you sign on the dotted line

3. Know how you can determine for yourself who is offering you the best deal

4. Know how to access ‘fleet’ discounted prices

Knowledge is power.

I’ll let you in on what’s really going on when you speak to the car yards’ finance teams.

Phone me on 0432 774604.