Many people really don’t get going on their goals coz they don’t know how to get started. Here’s an easy 5 point plan to help you make them happen.

  1. Where will you be and what will you be doing (a) 12 months (b) 5 years from now? (Paint a picture as detailed as possible… the more the mind can conceive, the easier the heart can achieve).
  2. Where are you in relation to that now? (Come on, be honest with yourself and really focus on what your situation is now… be brutally realistic and truthful).


Get these 2 great programmes for just $50 (normally $360). 
How to be BIG on Customer Service
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Each one contains 4 CDs of priceless information from Winston Marsh and Doug Malouf.  As fresh today as when they were recorded.

  1. How will you get there? (What are the 5 most critically important steps you have to take to get to where you want to be? Remember, the smaller the steps, the easier they are to take).
  2. What commitment are you going to make today, tomorrow and in the future toward achieving those steps? Be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and put a time deadline on each (SMART).
  3. If you want someone to keep you honest, when you’ve got all your answers down, e-mail me a copy. I’ll email you at the 1, 3, 6 and 12 month points and ask how you’ve done.