I’ve always encouraged my clients to make generous offers for special events like birthdays or anniversaries of doing business or whatever or just recognise their great clients, customers or patients.

And I’ve been steadfast about one recommendation!

No strings attached to your offer. No expiry dates, limitations on when the offer can be used or anything else. In other words “Here’s what we are giving you, use it when its suits you!”

And recognising someone on their birthday is great, so I was delighted when I got this from Hertz:

But I was broken hearted when I read on…

This wasn’t a birthday gift. This was just an attempt to get me to use their services… and what’s more they didn’t give me long to do it!

And then I noticed all the rest of the fine print. Phooey, this wasn’t a birthday gift… even if I wanted a car over Christmas I wasn’t gunna use it.

Remember, when you make an offer, no strings attached please!

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