There’s an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words but I believe that a great picture with the right words can be worth far more than that.
I continue to be astounded by the vacuous (in my opinion) adverts that appear in publications pitched at high net worth individuals. These generally consist of a picture of a product and a brand name.
It appears that when you become part of the nation’s wealthy, sophisticated, upper class you acquire the knowledge and understanding you need to know all about the pictured brand name products. Or maybe you hear about them by word of mouth or you see contemporaries you admire using/wearing them.
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Here’s a case in point… just a photo and the brand. Now we know it’s a great suit but I think that advert could be even more powerful if there was some copy explaining the features and benefits that make the suit so good. Adding that copy wouldn’t harm the market it’s directed at but it may increase the penetration of the product into those with aspirations of becoming part of that exclusive echelon.
Remember, there’s another old saying: “You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your target market.”
So true Winno. It’s the old herd mentality. All the fancy pants brands do the same thing. It’s as if they’re scared to sell their stuff. And how many of us open these mags without even registering these ads? Plenty!
You’re dead right Stu! I’m sure that none of those advertisers ever do a test and measure check on the results. All they ask is “Do I like it?” not “Would it appeal to our potential market and make them act on it?”