What’ll work for you too!

At this early stage of the year you’ve probably been deluged with suggestions on resolutions and things that you ought to be doing. So maybe you’ll regard this as gratuitous advice. However, the other day I was relaxing up here in the bush of the...

A thousand words, 2

Hopefully, you’ll remember that in a recent article I railed against advertisements that contained a picture and very little descriptive copy. The creators of those adverts obviously hope that the picture tells the reader what the advert is all about. Well,...

Another commercial

As my mate said when he sent me this TVC, it’s “one of the best you’ll ever see”. I hate to think what it cost to produce but it is interesting and entertaining although I wonder what it did for their beer sales. Still, when you have that advertiser’s revenues,...

A thousand words?

There’s an old saying that a picture is worth a thousand words but I believe that a great picture with the right words can be worth far more than that. I continue to be astounded by the vacuous (in my opinion) adverts that appear in publications pitched at high...