At this early stage of the year you’ve probably been deluged with suggestions on resolutions and things that you ought to be doing. So maybe you’ll regard this as gratuitous advice.
However, the other day I was relaxing up here in the bush of the Australian Alps, practising the fine art of omphaloskepsis* about the best decision I’ve probably ever made.
And it was pretty easy to come up with the answer.
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And I should let you into a secret. In making the decision I was heavily influenced by the late, great Zig Ziglar who said that it’s your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude.
Would you like to know what it was?
Well, it was the decision 30 years ago to always say I was “fantastic”, no matter how I really felt.
Now, I must admit that it did take some time to turn saying “fantastic” into a habit. But I persisted and pretty soon my automatic response, and therefore my world, was fantastic.
I’m always staggered by the impact my response of “fantastic” has on people I haven’t met before… they do a double take and say something along the lines of “Gee, I don’t often hear that!”
Of course, people who know me invariably say “I expected that!” which is music to my ears.
*omphaloskepsis: the fine art of meditating whilst contemplating one’s navel.
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