My son Jeremy has had more than his share of ups and downs and he has lost absolutely everything from his downstairs unit plumb smack in the middle of the Lismore floods. Naturally, we will help him as much as possible but it won’t make a dent in what he needs which is money to buy basic necessities like clothes. For him rebuilding is made harder because he is permanently incapacitated having lost the use of one leg and one arm. The only thing he hasn’t lost is his sense of humour!

Here’s what he said in an SMS to us last night.

“Even ask Dad to put the hat out with his friends, clients and colleagues. l hope you say “yes”, as l really need help right now to get back on my feet (or my one foot, ha ha). This is hopefully (will be) a one off situation!! Where I have lost everything… anything you can think of l have lost and only have the cold wet clothes l am wearing. Anyway any help will be appreciated towards my future. Love You ? Nighty Night Jersey XOX”

Like all of you, no doubt, we have never asked for help before but if you could possibly help Jeremy in some way with a gift of cash or a KMart/Bunnings gift card would be great (furniture or soft goods, no help coz he hasn’t got accommodation and may not for ages).

The best way to help would be to donate to his bank account, details of which are BSB 013 326, A/C #182281105 J P Marsh. If gift card please send details to me.

Thank you for reading this and whatever help you can give. As I said at the start… I’ve never written a message like this before; I hope that I will never have to again!