And what was that? Quite simply, how to capitalise on a great opportunity!
Let me explain.
The other day my mates and I had finished walking our dogs and were having our customary coffee over which we devise brilliant solutions for all of the world’s problems.
Being seated outside, one of my mates noticed that a window cleaner was working on the windows of the shop next door.
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Now, this mate has a large house with some hard to reach and clean windows.
Seizing his opportunity, he asked the window cleaner whether he cleaned house windows. He indicated that he did and gave my friend his business card, packed up his window cleaning gear and left.
That was a big, big mistake if the window cleaner wanted to get more regularly recurring work.
You see, by only giving my friend his business card he completely lost any chance of following up.
When he passed over his card he should have asked, “And can I have your contact details too please?”
The reason? Well, when you hand a business card out, the recipient really does mean to call you but later loses the card, the need or the desire.
When you get a prospect’s contact details, you can stay with them until they buy or die…the formula for generating enough business to make the money you need to retire prematurely to the beaches of the world!
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