And I am reminded that when I was a kid going to a state primary school back in the early fifties, the whole school used to assemble in the quadrangle on a Monday morning. We’d stand to attention, the headmaster would lead us in singing the national anthem (God Save the King), the flag would be run up and the boys would salute. Then, with hand on heart, all of us would repeat the pledge which went something like this.

“I love God and my country, I honour the flag, I will serve the King, and cheerfully obey my parents, teachers and the law”.
Simple, short sharp and sweet but, gee, it instilled a great set of values in me. Values that I have retained and lived by ever since.
I wonder whether kids say anything like that now? It worked for me so why wouldn’t it, or something similar, work for today’s kids (or is just not politically correct)?
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